Geisha Natural

By: Café Domingo Torres S.A.S. 栎树庄园 (LOD三连冠)

SKU: ERB-007

Region: Santander
Variety: Geisha
Process: Natural, Special Process
Weight: 70 kg
70 kg / bag
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Farmer: Domingo Torres

Variety Geisha
Process Natural
Altitude 1920 m.s.n.m.
Region Ragonvalia – Finca El Roble
Score 86.25
Density 756
Humidity 9.2%
Availability 504 KG
Delivery 25 days after order


F/A Cocoa, Herbal, Brown Sugar; Clean Drink With Notes Of Cocoa And Citrus Fruits, Residual With Notes Of Lychee And Mint, Medium Citrus Juicy Acidity And Silky Body.


My name is Domingo Torres and I was born in Guapi, Cauca, Colombia, on September 19, 1963. In 1980, I arrived in Puerto Tejada, Cauca, where I worked as a sugarcane cutter for approximately three years. Later, I was hired to do this work in the state of Portuguesa, Venezuela, in 1984. After this experience, I entered the formal and informal trade, looking for ways to survive. In 1989, I began my work in mining, working in this area for approximately 20 years. It was during my stay in Cúcuta that I met my wife, Saray Sepúlveda, who has been my support, my support and my life partner to this day. Thanks to the savings we managed to accumulate with my work in mining, in 2010 we were able to acquire the El Roble farm, located in the Sombrerito area, municipality of Ragonvalia, Norte de Santander. Initially, we ventured into livestock farming, but unfortunately we did not obtain the expected results. Over time, and given the need to have a source of income in line with our rural environment, we decided to venture into coffee growing.

Despite not having previous experience in this field, but with the support and teachings of extensionist Elmer Parada, we learned and advanced along the way, becoming one of the best coffees in Colombia. Our trajectory is characterized by the recognition of our product in the COLOMBIA LAND OF DIVERSITY NATIONAL COFFEE COMPETITION in 2021, 2022 and 2023, which validate and certify the quality of our coffee in attributes such as: Body, Smoothness, Exotic, Balance, Acidity. In addition to this, our coffee is currently positioned as the highest-rated coffee in the international specialty coffee auction.

Owner/Director Domingo Torres
Establishment Date 18/9/2023
Region Ragonvalia – Norte De Santander
Featured Product Specialty Coffee
Number of employees 1
Plantation size 5ha
Harvest Season June – January
Annual Production per farm 3 Toneladas