


HULCAFE grew from an idea that had been sown due to long-term experience in the coffee business. This idea has been transformed and has gradually adapted to the needs of the coffee sector, the national and international market. Hulcafe is a family business, with a united family willing to grow, with ethical, transparent and innovative pillars. Our threshing plant allows us to have contact with several coffee growers in the region, who over time have joined us to create what we know today as our own coffee association. In our alliances we have producers from the different municipalities of Huila, which allows us to have a diversity of coffees and a large supply.

Owner/Director Carlos Enrique Bautista
Establishment Date 8/6/2020
Region Pitalito – Huila
Featured Product Commercial Coffee and Specialty Coffee
Number of Coffee Family 221
Plantation size 2 – 10 ha
Harvest Season Harvest from October to November mitaca from March to June.
Annual Production per farm 80 cargas al año.


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